Peter Miller 5 Club Trophy. Queens May 1st anytime.
Mist caused a 3 hour delay for the morning starters.
Our 5 club challenge today on the Queens started in fog and ended in darkness. The overall course condition was good but the slower than normal greens caught most people out. Best of the early starters was defending champion Ken Marshall but a nett 71 with six 3 putts was never going to be good enough.. and so it proved.
Paul Kelly won this event in 2019 and 2021 before moving to New Zealand and shortly after his return posted an amazing nett 65 which included two late doubles so could have been even better. Daley Smith (or maybe his twin brother) was the only person to mount a serious challenge with his late nett 66 coming up one shot shy.
Well played both and congratulations and welcome back Paul.
The first of our midweek events is on Wednesday May 1st. It’s a medal from the White Tees on the Queens using only 5 Clubs, any 5 clubs. The trophy is our most valuable and looks great on my sideboard so I will be trying hard to defend it. As with most of the midweek competitions you can play during the Club Times, in this case 3.30-5.30pm or book your own Tee time and play earlier - if you do this then please let me know so I can add your tee time into the draw.
All times can be seen in the Tee Booking system so please choose a time when you enter via the app. The final draw will appear here on Monday once everyone has worked out how to use the Tee Booking System - it currently looks like this:
PS: Preferred lies have finished so unless Gleneagles advise otherwise its play the ball as it lies. I have set it up as counting but if anyone doesn’t want their score to count for their handicap just let me know.
Trophy History from Ron McKelvie (Amended): The Peter Miller Trophy first awarded in 1996 Peter Miller was a long standing member of Dun Whinny who served on Council and was Captain of the Club from 1984 to 1986. He died suddenly in 1993. His son Stewart Miller remains a member of the Club. Peter was born with a deformed arm which nevertheless did not stop him from playing golf very effectively. There was not much that ever stopped Peter but he did need help with tying the laces of his golf shoes which I can remember doing on a number of occasions. At a meeting of Council in 1996 Richard Hally advised he had discussions with Stewart regarding the offer of a prize in Memory of Peter for competition on the Queens Course. Peter particularly enjoyed playing the Queens course and specifically enjoyed the Five Club competition so it was felt appropriate that the trophy being donated should be awarded for that event.