Christmas Scramble

Against all odds the weather was kind, the courses opened for the first time in two weeks, and a massive field of 28 took part in our Christmas Scramble on the PGA.

Each team had a mix of low, medium and high handicaps so no handicaps were used and the format where the person whose ball was chosen couldn’t hit the next shot made tactics more interesting. Feedback from low handicappers was that it favoured the higher handicaps and feedback from higher handicaps that it favoured lower handicaps probably meant it was about right.

Whether fair or not everyone was glad to get out and play some golf and some very good golf was played. Two teams shot 3 under, 3 teams were 5 under. Myself, Ken Swa, Frank and Iain Aitchison were 6 under but were pipped at the post by Al Cantlay, David Watt, Allister Wallace and Luke McInulty who were 7 under.

They were each presented with a Bottle of Fine Wine by Club Captain Mike Page in the A70 bar afterward as we all enjoyed a pre Christmas drink or two.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


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Winter Update