Stableford PGA Saturday April 6th. Cancelled
The snow is melting but is now adding to the huge volume of water already lying on the ground so golf tomorrow is unlikely as the courses will probably be flooded. If you fancy your chances then times are available on all courses as most people have called off.
4/4: Competition cancelled. Draw updated plus it might be possible to play Kings or Queens instead.
Provisional draw.
In view of the extremely wet fairways on the PGA with more rain forecast we are making a couple of changes to this Saturday’s competition:
It will not count towards your handicap.
We will use the Tee Booking system to allow everyone to enter/withdraw without having to contact me.
If you have entered the event please select your tee time using the Tee Booking tab on the app. If you haven’t done so by Thursday pm I will select one for you. If you need to withdraw or change times then feel free to do so without having to let me know.
Note that this Tee Booking is not an actual booking at Gleneagles, it is on a fictional Golf Course called Dun Whinny which we use to let everyone know what their tee times on the actual courses are….. normally cancelling your time via the Tee Booking wouldn’t do anything but on this occasion we will use it as the default and adjust the draw accordingly. Congrats if you made it this far, you will now learn that this is also an intelligence test so we can judge the cognitive skills of our members but please don’t tell Eric :)