Peter Miller Trophy - 5 Club Challenge

The trophy for our 5 club event was donated by Peter Miller, a member who liked to carry his clubs and in his later years carried less and less clubs. The idea of the event was to find out what score could be achieved from the Queens medal tees using only 5 clubs.

It is held on a Wednesday with most people playing in late afternoon or early evening. This allows some members who aren’t normally available for our Saturday events to play.

Yesterday most played in the afternoon but we had 4 early starters who had to endure rain for the first nine holes before the sun, and a brisk breeze arrived. The best of these was Alastair Shand but none of us expected his nett 72 to be in with a chance of winning.

Andy Lothian came close with a gross 78, nett 74. Then Daley Smith recovered from a disaster at the 13th to storm through the last 5 in one over par for a nett 73. This left only the final group to challenge Alastair’s early 72. Many of our newer members probably won’t know any of them as they don’t normally manage Saturday or rollup events due to work commitments but it was great to see them out playing.

Richard Hally and Doug Law both started with 5’s which was excellent as the average score for the hole was 6! Stewart Miller, son of Peter, hadn’t played in one of our events for a while but had clearly been reading about them as he started with a seven which pretty much guarantees success.

Richard fell away but both Stewart and Doug were still well in contention with one hole to go. Doug needed a birdie to tie Al and Stewart needed better than a six to beat him. Stewart finished in style to make the only birdie on the 18th all day and win his dad’s trophy, for the first time I think, by 3 shots…. He also made the best gross score from the medal tees on the Queens, beating Andy’s 78 with a better back nine. Congratulations Stewart and hopefully we will see you playing again soon.

Full score are on the app with a summary below.

Next up we have the Princes Pot over


Princes Pot


Monthly Medal