Spring Golf Update Updated 24/4

Just a quick update to let you know what’s going on:

Par Competition: the results of this can be seen here Par Competition. Updated 22/4/23 — Dun Whinny Golf Club

Next Saturday we have our first Monthly Medal of the year on the Kings from the White tees. The best gross and nett scores in these win a crystal tumbler. You can enter via the app and the draw will appear on here.

On Wednesday May 3rd we have our 5 Club Challenge on the Queens. As the name suggests you only get to use a maximum of 5 clubs, any 5 clubs. The format is stroke play from the White tees and the best nett score wins the Peter Miller Trophy. Enter via the app and either play during the club times of 3:30pm-4:30pm or book yourself a time during the day and let me know when it is and who is playing.

On Saturday May 6th (Coronation Day) we have the Second and final round of the Princes Pot. The draw is already made Princes Pot. Updated 16/4. 1st round result, 2nd round draw. — Dun Whinny Golf Club but we still have a few spaces for anyone who just fancies a game.

The Singles and Foursomes Knockouts are progressing and we have already had some close matches not least last years finalists Jason Wilding and David McLeod going to extra holes in this years first round. If you haven’t already arranged your match then please do so asap and please report your result to me via email after your match. The current draws can now be seen here Competitions — Dun Whinny Golf Club

The new app seems to be working fine as far as recording scores is concerned but still doesn’t display draws, leaderboards or results - please check the Dun Whinny website for this information. Detailed and regularly updated info on the app can also be found here: New App info Updated 20/4/23 — Dun Whinny Golf Club


Monthly Medal Kings Updated 30/4


Par Competition. Updated 22/4/23