Strokeplay Round 1. PGA White Tees. Saturday May 25th.
The view from the first tee.
Round One of this year’s Stroke Play Championship took place this morning in ideal conditions from the White tees of the spectacular PGA course. The broom and gorse are always there but when they are in full bloom the course seems more formidable as you can see from the pictures. The rough was also brutal and anyone who finished with the same ball they started with did remarkably well.
As expected most of us found it extremely tough with only David Logie breaking 80, only 10 beating nett 80 and only 9 people breaking 90!. Best of the day were Iain Aitchison with a nett 72 which included 3 birdies! and Mike Collier, who started with the 7 that normally guarantees the win, with a 73.
The leading Nett and Gross score are shown below and everyone who completed their round still has a chance with two rounds remaining. As usual all scores can be seen on the Scottish Golf website.
The view from the 2nd
View from the 8th
view of the 9th green
This first round of this year’s stroke play championship takes place on the PGA this Saturday. There is a Gross and Nett prize for the combined total scores over 3 rounds. Subsequent rounds are on the Queens on June 29th and Kings on September 7th.
The draw is below but will probably change so please check your Tee Booking on Friday.
History: The Stroke Play Trophy first awarded in 1984. In late 1983 there was some discussion at Council about changing the format of the Championship Cup (the original trophy of the Club) but it is clear from the minutes that this idea was not welcome and the result of the discussion at that time was the purchase of a new trophy by the Club to be called the Stroke Play Trophy. It was decided this would be a four round medal play trophy. For many years the trophy was played utilising medals on four consecutive months, two on the Kings and Two on the Queens. The best net aggregate was declared the winner. In recent years with the construction of the PGA Centenary Golf course the format of this has now been changed to three medal rounds one Kings, one Queens and one PGA. Again the winner is the member with the best net aggregate for the three rounds
The Scratch Stroke Play Trophy came into existence in 2020 when then Club Captain Andrew Lothian was delighted to have won the scratch section of the Stroke Play event only to discover there wasn’t a trophy for that….. he solved this by donating a lovely Claret Jug which has been awarded from 2021 onwards. Andy hasn’t won it…. yet!