Winter Four Ball, Better Ball Knockout Draw

The draw for our Winter Knockout was made by Club Captain Mike Page at the weekend and can be seen below. First round matches must be complete by December 18th so please contact your opponents to arrange a date as soon as you can. You can find your opponent’s contact details on the app in the … tab under Club Documents, Member Details. Good Luck!

Our Winter Eclectics are also underway and you can submit one card per course per week. Andrew Watson will be running it for a couple of weeks and David Logie will then take over so please let Andrew know if you would like to be included and email a photo of your card to Andrew after your round (any already sent to David will be forwarded). Rounds played in our Saturday events will automatically be included if appropriate.

Completed rounds will also be eligible to be included in our Winter Strokeplay (Combined Best 4 nett scores) and Tom Brown Tankard (best single round) competitions.

Lastly please take care out there as it can get quite slippy and as Tom Fleming and Sandy Grant can testify it can be dangerous! Try to avoid doing any of the following……


Dinner Dance & Prizegiving


Final Stableford and 2022 Order of Merit.