WRM Hally Prize

We were all up very early for today’s event, the Hally Prize, a stableford from the White tees on the Kings. The first group teed off at 7.00am but even at that hour there were workmen putting stuff together for the Seniors Open in two weeks time. The weather was lovely and for a change the wind wasn’t a major factor.

First to post a decent score was last years runner up Paul Lewis who made 3 gross birdies and 36 points to set the target. A few groups behind the newly crowned Presidents Platter Champion, Aidan O’Carroll, continued his great run of form coming back in gross 37 to increase the target to 41 points.

A few groups later Eric Lambert showed a welcome return to his early season form with a solid 38 points although for some reason he thought he was playing a medal….. This left Alan Black with 21 points on the front nine as the only real challenger. By the time he reached the 18th he needed to par to tie and a birdie to win which got the crowd in the bar very excited until they saw him picking his ball off the 18th green on the Queens…. He didn’t make either a par or a birdie but did end up tying Eric with 38 points.

I did predict on Wednesday that it wouldn’t be another 21 years before Aidan won another trophy but in the end it only took 3 days! I do predict that he wont win this years singles though as he got so excited by his Presidents Platter win that he forgot to show up for his tie the following day.

Congratulation again to Aidan, no wins in 21 years then 2 in a week, who knows what he will do next. Unsurprisingly he is now in pole position in this years order of merit, update below.

Next up we have a Charity Four Ball Better Ball event on the Queens. I have changed this so you enter as individuals and we will draw for partners on Thursday. There is a rumour that Daley might provide the bottles of whisky that he put up for the cancelled Pinehurst event earlier in the year as prizes for this.

We have now reached the quarter final stages of both The Singles and Foursomes knockouts. You can follow the progress of these on events on the app and also under the Club documents under the … tab.

Talking of Prizes the winner of Wednesdays caption competition was Keith Stirling with …

Aidan: “I do believe that it’s an Osprey”

David: “Whatever it is, it’s just shat on your bag.”

He wins the second hand Pinnacle pictured below.

We have another caption competition this week. The winner gets the yellow Slazenger I found on the 10th while unsuccessfully trying to find my tee shot.


Charity 4BBB Result


President’s Platter - Second Round